Sunday, March 2, 2014

Lean Gains- Help Me, Help You

I am no, Martin Berkhan, my name is Robert Alexander, a personal trainer and fitness consultant from Dallas, Texas. I am not the Lean Gains Guy, but I will point you in the right direction. For years we have all tinkered and toyed with fat loss in hopes to burn off some of that fat. With the spread of Leangains we have made huge strides. I noticed as of lately many questions being asked, but few answered. I would like to offer my services in answering these questions as you pursue your lean physique through Leangains protocol.

I must mention, Leangains is not in anyway my original idea. However, I have used Leangains to transform my body and my clients in many different facets, whether I am cutting or lean-bulking.

I encourage anyone using the Leangains protocol, to read the extensive information Martin offers at
I have answered as many questions as I can on his site in an effort to clear some of the mystery (there isn't much) of living Lean. Martin puts a lot of information out there but many people have questions specific to their lifestyle. Let me tell you, I have been there, but with time and reading signals from my body I have successfully tailored Leangains to my lifestyle, and would like to help you do the same.


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