Efficient Exercise
Work Harder, and Smarter, and...... in less Time, with greater results.
I am a big fan of fitness, so much so that I write about it often. In fact, I would say it consumes most of my time and thoughts. Consume has a negative connotation, what is a good way to say that it in a positive way? If you look at the well-known proponents of lifestyle and efficiency you think of biohackers like Tim Ferris and Dave Asprey. If you can get the maximum result in minimal time, look no further than Efficient Exercise.How I discovered E.E.
I received an email from John Kiefer of athlete.io formerly dangerouslyhardcore.com , carbnite, carbbackloading, all-around bad-assness. The email was an interview with a up-incoming fitness facility with the next big thing in training, that is Efficient Exercise, and the ARx (formerly the CZT-V).
Efficient Exercise was started by Mark Alexander (no relation, but very nice guy) about 10 years ago, based on the premise of, you guessed it, Exercising in the most efficient way possible. The technology known as the ARx, short for Adaptive Resistance Exercise, is the coolest and most efficient way to train today. The best part about the ARx is you cannot fake it, or go through the motions, but instead train at a maximum force throughout the entire lift. The people behind Efficient Exercise know their stuff, and use the ARx technology to counter fluctuations in the strength curve.
I don't want to get into too much detail, but as Kiefer, Dr. Rocky Patel, myself, and many others can attest, the first thoughts when jumping on this machine are "wow" or "oh, shit." The biggest upside to this machine is that no matter what your fitness level is it will adapt the resistance to give you the maximum counter force with zero risk for injury. The machine reads your force output and provides the necessary force output. I tried this a month ago, and I am obsessed with the training modality of E.E. Watch and see for yourself as Keith Norris, E.E. Master Trainer, uses the machine in a variety of movements. Listen to his reaction after the Deadlifts!
The beauty is, you can come in to Efficient Exercise, get your training done in under 30 minutes without compromising any intensity. If you are in the Austin or San Antonio area at any point, or coming down for PaleoFX this year, contact efficientexercise.com for a free consultation and see what I am talking about.
You can also see Keith Norris, John Kiefer, Robb Wolf, Nate Miyaki, Abel James, and many many more.
See the 2014 PaleoFX Austin speakers list here: http://www.paleofx.com/paleo-events/2014-austin/speakers
At Efficient Exercise, you do not have to compromise training hard when you are training smart.
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Contact Efficient Exercise here to set up a free consultation: http://efficientexercise.com/contact/
Contact Me: www.alexanderfit.blogspot.com
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